
Quality Water For Quality Life

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Many of us were trained thoroughly on how to demonstrate a softener. Unfortunately, less sales people seem to have a specific way of presenting a reverse osmosis unit (RO). That's too bad because, just like softener sales, there are many demonstrations and experiments that make the RO sales as exciting and as sure. Let's look at some of the methods used by great sales people around the world.

Justifying the value
No one really wants another monthly payment. If you go into a home to " sell them an RO," that means another payment, which also means you're fighting an uphill battle from the get-go. What  That's if you could show customers it costs nothing to have all the benefits of pure water ?  What if it even made them a profit ? Good news !  That's exactly what you can show them, if you take the time.
As soon as you're ready to start talking about ROs, you need to ask a few questions. I recommend you have a sheet prepared to record answers. Figure 1 is one of our forms, which we simply call the "Drinking Water Survey Form."  You want to preface your questioning by saying it "helps determine what equipment to recommend, and to see how much money you can be saving." We suggest you write the answers down immediately to the form questions. Take a minute to review this technique.
I hope you see how this exercise convinces the customer that you're not there just to take their money, you're there to give them better water and save them money. Another advantage of the form: If there's a rebuttal, something classic like, " I'll buy it in two months," or " I'll get it next spring when my tax return money comes in," with a completed form you're already in a great position to overcome this. You've demonstrated to the customer that by not making the correct decision tonight, they'll not only be continuing with untreated water buy they'll be wasting money. This is a powerful position to be in, and it works. Water JA703
The tea bag test
Here's an interesting item to add to your demonstration. The premise is to boil RO water and customers "raw" tap water in separate containers and make tea with both. One serving suggestion with this test: use orange pekoe tea, not herbal. It's the most common tea in any supermarket. JA-703 JA-703
Put a tea bag in each container. The tea made in the RO water will be much more fragrant and clear. The tea made in the tap water will be brown, have a lot less fragrance and have an oil slick on the surface with particles floating in the water. The harder the water, the more distinct the contrast is between the two. The best part of this demonstration is the difference gets ceven clearer the longer you leave it. One sales person I know asks clients to leave the water overnight and look at it in the morning, for an even bigger impact. Be sure to get the water really boiling, not just warm. I guarantee this demonstration is worth the trouble. reverse osmosis water  filter system
Doggie's Choice
Another demonstration technique includes putting a bowl of RO water and a bowl of tap water, fresh from the tap, on the floor. Use identical bowls to make sure the test subject-the family dog- isn't used to drinking out of one of the bowls. Have the family bring their pet in (this test will work with birds, also). The animal will almost always choose RO water, as they can smell the fact that it has no chlorine. This is the reason why many dogs and cats drink out of the toilet bowl, toilet water has sat in the bowl long enough for the chlorine to dissipate. Remember, many people will buy an RO system for their animals, fish or plants, while they'd be unwilling to spend the money on themselves.
The ice cube demo
Similar to the tea bag test but not as dramatic, it involves putting an ice cube made from tap water into a glass container filled with RO water. As the ice cube melts, white flakes that look like dandruff leach into the pristine water. You can make this demo look even worse by bobbing the ice cube with your finger. Also, if the homeowner is a scotch-and-water drinker, offer to mix a drink for them with RO water. I have sold many a system using this technique, as real whisky connoisseurs can definitely taste the difference.
The TDS test & Color test
In your exhibition / trade show or in your show room.  If you're selling in an area with a high chlorine content, this test works well. Carry them in your demonstration kit. The solution will often indicate a very high TDS numbers in their tap water and turn black, dirty in their water.  How to use the "TDS tester or Electronic Color tester", please visit http://www.pure-pro.com/tester.htm 
The taste test
This test is the climax of the demonstration- the last test you do before going for the close. When performing this test, again move quickly so the chlorine doesn't dissipate from water.  Water Ionizer JA-703    Water Ionizer JA-703
Line the family up and give each member a small amount of RO water in a glass. Explain that you're going to have a tasting, like a fancy wine tasting, and the first thing you have to do is "cleanse the pallet" by swishing the RO water in the mouth and swallowing or spitting it out in the sink. Get each member to do this twice so the pallet and tongue are completely cleansed. Now, quickly fill glasses with tap water and get each member to taste, swishing it around the mouth as they did with the RO water. If you've done this right, you will, at the minimum, get loud moans of disgust, as by contrast the can now really taste the chlorine and any dissolved solids in their water. About a third of the time they'll run over to the sink and spit out their tap water in revulsion.  water ionizer ja-703 water ionizer
This is a great set up for the close. All you do is hold up RO water and their tap water, asking, "if it didn't cost a penny more, which water would you like your family to drink ? "  They always point to the RO water and that means they've just told you they want to buy it. Refer back to the savings you worked out with them at the beginning using the Drinking Water Survey, showing them they can be saving $30 or $40 per month and getting better water.
Now you have a few tips that will make a big difference in selling ROs. Maybe you've already used some of these techniques, but have discontinued them for some reason. Remember that people buy for emotional reasons. Demonstrations that involve sight, smell, taste and as many other senses as possible are far more effective that lectures. Also, involve the whole family in your demonstration. Many decisions today are made " for the children," and who would turn down an RO system when their kids are spitting tap water into the sink in revulsion? Refresh your demonstration and get a bigger piece of the RO pie. reverse osmosis water  filter system JA-703 JA-703

Many of us were trained thoroughly on how to demonstrate a softener. Unfortunately, less sales people seem to have a specific way of presenting a reverse osmosis unit (RO). That's too bad because, just like softener sales, there are many demonstrations and experiments that make the RO sales as exciting and as sure. Let's look at some of the methods used by great sales people around the world.

Justifying the value
No one really wants another monthly payment. If you go into a home to " sell them an RO," that means another payment, which also means you're fighting an uphill battle from the get-go. What if you could show customers it costs nothing to have all the benefits of pure water ?  What if it even made them a profit ? Good news !  That's exactly what you can show them, if you take the time. Water JA703
As soon as you're ready to start talking about ROs, you need to ask a few questions. I recommend you have a sheet prepared to record answers. Figure 1 is one of our forms, which we simply call the "Drinking Water Survey Form."  You want to preface your questioning by saying it "helps determine what equipment to recommend, and to see how much money you can be saving." We suggest you write the answers down immediately to the form questions. Take a minute to review this technique.
I hope you see how this exercise convinces the customer that you're not there just to take their money, you're there to give them better water and save them money. Another advantage of the form: If there's a rebuttal, something classic like, " I'll buy it in two months," or " I'll get it next spring when my tax return money comes in," with a completed form you're already in a great position to overcome this. You've demonstrated to the customer that by not making the correct decision tonight, they'll not only be continuing with untreated water buy they'll be wasting money. This is a powerful position to be in, and it works. reverse osmosis water  filter system
The tea bag test
Here's an interesting item to add to your demonstration. The premise is to boil RO water and customers "raw" tap water in separate containers and make tea with both. One serving suggestion with this test: use orange pekoe tea, not herbal. It's the most common tea in any supermarket.
Put a tea bag in each container. The tea made in the RO water will be much more fragrant and clear. The tea made in the tap water will be brown, have a lot less fragrance and have an oil slick on the surface with particles floating in the water. The harder the water, the more distinct the contrast is between the two. The best part of this demonstration is the difference gets ceven clearer the longer you leave it. One sales person I know asks clients to leave the water overnight and look at it in the morning, for an even bigger impact. Be sure to get the water really boiling, not just warm. I guarantee this demonstration is worth the trouble. water ionizer ja-703 water ionizer
Doggie's Choice
Another demonstration technique includes putting a bowl of RO water and a bowl of tap water, fresh from the tap, on the floor. Use identical bowls to make sure the test subject-the family dog- isn't used to drinking out of one of the bowls. Have the family bring their pet in (this test will work with birds, also). The animal will almost always choose RO water, as they can smell the fact that it has no chlorine. This is the reason why many dogs and cats drink out of the toilet bowl, toilet water has sat in the bowl long enough for the chlorine to dissipate. Remember, many people will buy an RO system for their animals, fish or plants, while they'd be unwilling to spend the money on themselves.
The ice cube demo
Similar to the tea bag test but not as dramatic, it involves putting an ice cube made from tap water into a glass container filled with RO water. As the ice cube melts, white flakes that look like dandruff leach into the pristine water. You can make this demo look even worse by bobbing the ice cube with your finger. Also, if the homeowner is a scotch-and-water drinker, offer to mix a drink for them with RO water. I have sold many a system using this technique, as real whisky connoisseurs can definitely taste the difference. reverse osmosis water  filter system
The TDS test & Color test
In your exhibition / trade show or in your show room.  If you're selling in an area with a high chlorine content, this test works well. Carry them in your demonstration kit. The solution will often indicate a very high TDS numbers in their tap water and turn black, dirty in their water.  How to use the "TDS tester or Electronic Color tester", please visit http://www.pure-pro.com/tester.htm 
The taste test
This test is the climax of the demonstration- the last test you do before going for the close. When performing this test, again move quickly so the chlorine doesn't dissipate from water. 
Line the family up and give each member a small amount of RO water in a glass. Explain that you're going to have a tasting, like a fancy wine tasting, and the first thing you have to do is "cleanse the pallet" by swishing the RO water in the mouth and swallowing or spitting it out in the sink. Get each member to do this twice so the pallet and tongue are completely cleansed. Now, quickly fill glasses with tap water and get each member to taste, swishing it around the mouth as they did with the RO water. If you've done this right, you will, at the minimum, get loud moans of disgust, as by contrast the can now really taste the chlorine and any dissolved solids in their water. About a third of the time they'll run over to the sink and spit out their tap water in revulsion.  water ionizer ja-703 water ionizer
This is a great set up for the close. All you do is hold up RO water and their tap water, asking, "if it didn't cost a penny more, which water would you like your family to drink ? "  They always point to the RO water and that means they've just told you they want to buy it. Refer back to the savings you worked out with them at the beginning using the Drinking Water Survey, showing them they can be saving $30 or $40 per month and getting better water. Water Ionizer JA-703    Water Ionizer JA-703
Now you have a few tips that will make a big difference in selling ROs. Maybe you've already used some of these techniques, but have discontinued them for some reason. Remember that people buy for emotional reasons. Demonstrations that involve sight, smell, taste and as many other senses as possible are far more effective that lectures. Also, involve the whole family in your demonstration. Many decisions today are made " for the children," and who would turn down an RO system when their kids are spitting tap water into the sink in revulsion? Refresh your demonstration and get a bigger piece of the RO pie.   water ionizer ja-703 water ionizer

PurePro® USA Water Ionizer JA-703





PurePro® EC105




PurePro® EC105

PurePro® EC105

美國PurePro EC105
EC105 RO淨水器的製水品質、性能及價格都將令您感到驚豔

RO逆滲透淨水技術對於去除水中雜質如總溶解固體量(TDSTotal Dissolved Solids)、濁度(自來水膠體粒子及懸浮物含量)、石棉、鉛、鐳、以及其它有毒重金屬等皆具有非常卓越的成效。此外,RO逆滲透淨水裝置亦可有效去除水中所含之放射性如鈽、鍶、鐳等對人體有害的輻射物質,因此RO逆滲透可堪稱是目前於世界上最先進、完美的淨水技術

l            FDA認證之材質的濾瓶
l            壓差式四面閥、不鏽鋼逆止閥
l            飲用水接頭
l            四色 1/4 英吋RO系統PE
l            完美組裝
l            100%的出廠測試及消毒程序
l            最簡明易懂的中英雙語安裝說明書

l            需求水壓:50-100
l            尺寸:
主機 ─ 37() × 20() × 45() 單位:公分
儲水桶 ─ 28() × 28() × 35() 單位:公分
l            重量:
主機 ─ 8 公斤
儲水桶 ─ 4公斤

l            第一道濾心:5P.P過濾棉質濾心
符合美國FDA標準之 5micron孔徑 P.P.棉,能將水中較粗之雜質如淤泥、沙石、鐵、膠狀物等予以去除
l            第三道濾心:1P.P.過濾棉質濾心
符合美國FDA標準之 1micron孔徑 P.P.棉,將進行二次的重覆過濾,以去除水中較粗之雜質如鐵、砂石、膠狀物、淤泥等,並可有效達到保護RO逆滲透膜的效果
l            第四道濾心:RO逆滲透膜
l            第五道濾心:後置活性碳濾心

美國PurePro RO逆滲透飲用水系統透過雙重過濾水中之顆粒、雜質的程序;以活性碳去除氯、重金屬、各種化學殘餘物等危害人體物質;最重要的是以0.0001微米超微小孔徑之RO逆滲透膜,達成高達95%的去除率;最後輔以後置活性碳濾心以增添口感,絕對是提供您環保、省錢又超高品質之飲用水的最佳選擇






逆滲透原理是在原水端加壓,使純淨的水分子穿透薄膜產生純水,同時將無法穿透的各種雜質及有害物質隨著濃縮廢水排放。由於薄膜的極小孔徑0.0001micron, 可有效過濾水中所含細菌、濾過性病毒、有毒化學物質,以及三鹵甲烷、戴奧辛、藻毒等各種致癌物質,提供您絕對健康純淨之水,是目前人類所知最有效的淨水方法

(一般細菌大小體積1-4 micron 病毒大小 0.02~0.4 micron;而PurePro RO逆滲透膜孔徑極小,僅0.0001micron,可過濾細菌、病毒和任何汙染物)


與自來水相關 ─
1.          【年代新聞報導】水煮開後喝就安全嗎?
2.          中天新聞報導】飲用水淨化不足 長起飲用易致癌

與瓶裝水相關 ─
3.          【華視新聞報導】喝水要警「銻」 瓶裝水曝曬致命
5.          瓶裝水的罪惡,你喝不出來

沒問題!為了因應客戶的不同需求,EC105可另加裝麥飯石濾心 (Mineral filter)升級配備為EC105M;亦可加裝UV紫外線燈升級為EC105UV
l            EC106M
l            EC105-UV

l            EC105原廠產品型錄
l            EC105安裝影片

l            本站獲選為經濟部信賴電子商店,並為目前全國最大之淨水類購物商城
l            可貨到付款,完全免除您線上付款的疑慮,提供您更安心、信賴的線上購物服務
l            全省皆設有服務維修站,訂購本公司商品,將享有全省保固服務
l            若運送過程中導致新品瑕疵,7日內可無條件原機更換新品(但配件需完整)

PurePro® EC105P

water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer
water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer
water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer
water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer water ionizer

PurePro® EC105P

Many of us were trained thoroughly on how to demonstrate a softener. Unfortunately, less sales people seem to have a specific way of presenting a reverse osmosis unit (RO). That's too bad because, just like softener sales, there are many demonstrations and experiments that make the RO sales as exciting and as sure. Let's look at some of the methods used by great sales people around the world.

Justifying the value
No one really wants another monthly payment. If you go into a home to " sell them an RO," that means another payment, which also means you're fighting an uphill battle from the get-go. What if you could show customers it costs nothing to have all the benefits of pure water ?  What if it even made them a profit ? Good news !  That's exactly what you can show them, if you take the time.
As soon as you're ready to start talking about ROs, you need to ask a few questions. I recommend you have a sheet prepared to record answers. Figure 1 is one of our forms, which we simply call the "Drinking Water Survey Form."  You want to preface your questioning by saying it "helps determine what equipment to recommend, and to see how much money you can be saving." We suggest you write the answers down immediately to the form questions. Take a minute to review this technique.
I hope you see how this exercise convinces the customer that you're not there just to take their money, you're there to give them better water and save them money. Another advantage of the form: If there's a rebuttal, something classic like, " I'll buy it in two months," or " I'll get it next spring when my tax return money comes in," with a completed form you're already in a great position to overcome this. You've demonstrated to the customer that by not making the correct decision tonight, they'll not only be continuing with untreated water buy they'll be wasting money. This is a powerful position to be in, and it works.
The tea bag test
Here's an interesting item to add to your demonstration. The premise is to boil RO water and customers "raw" tap water in separate containers and make tea with both. One serving suggestion with this test: use orange pekoe tea, not herbal. It's the most common tea in any supermarket.
Put a tea bag in each container. The tea made in the RO water will be much more fragrant and clear. The tea made in the tap water will be brown, have a lot less fragrance and have an oil slick on the surface with particles floating in the water. The harder the water, the more distinct the contrast is between the two. The best part of this demonstration is the difference gets ceven clearer the longer you leave it. One sales person I know asks clients to leave the water overnight and look at it in the morning, for an even bigger impact. Be sure to get the water really boiling, not just warm. I guarantee this demonstration is worth the trouble.
Doggie's Choice
Another demonstration technique includes putting a bowl of RO water and a bowl of tap water, fresh from the tap, on the floor. Use identical bowls to make sure the test subject-the family dog- isn't used to drinking out of one of the bowls. Have the family bring their pet in (this test will work with birds, also). The animal will almost always choose RO water, as they can smell the fact that it has no chlorine. This is the reason why many dogs and cats drink out of the toilet bowl, toilet water has sat in the bowl long enough for the chlorine to dissipate. Remember, many people will buy an RO system for their animals, fish or plants, while they'd be unwilling to spend the money on themselves.
The ice cube demo
Similar to the tea bag test but not as dramatic, it involves putting an ice cube made from tap water into a glass container filled with RO water. As the ice cube melts, white flakes that look like dandruff leach into the pristine water. You can make this demo look even worse by bobbing the ice cube with your finger. Also, if the homeowner is a scotch-and-water drinker, offer to mix a drink for them with RO water. I have sold many a system using this technique, as real whisky connoisseurs can definitely taste the difference.
The TDS test & Color test
In your exhibition / trade show or in your show room.  If you're selling in an area with a high chlorine content, this test works well. Carry them in your demonstration kit. The solution will often indicate a very high TDS numbers in their tap water and turn black, dirty in their water.  How to use the "TDS tester or Electronic Color tester", please visit http://www.pure-pro.com/tester.htm 
The taste test
This test is the climax of the demonstration- the last test you do before going for the close. When performing this test, again move quickly so the chlorine doesn't dissipate from water. 
Line the family up and give each member a small amount of RO water in a glass. Explain that you're going to have a tasting, like a fancy wine tasting, and the first thing you have to do is "cleanse the pallet" by swishing the RO water in the mouth and swallowing or spitting it out in the sink. Get each member to do this twice so the pallet and tongue are completely cleansed. Now, quickly fill glasses with tap water and get each member to taste, swishing it around the mouth as they did with the RO water. If you've done this right, you will, at the minimum, get loud moans of disgust, as by contrast the can now really taste the chlorine and any dissolved solids in their water. About a third of the time they'll run over to the sink and spit out their tap water in revulsion.
This is a great set up for the close. All you do is hold up RO water and their tap water, asking, "if it didn't cost a penny more, which water would you like your family to drink ? "  They always point to the RO water and that means they've just told you they want to buy it. Refer back to the savings you worked out with them at the beginning using the Drinking Water Survey, showing them they can be saving $30 or $40 per month and getting better water.
Now you have a few tips that will make a big difference in selling ROs. Maybe you've already used some of these techniques, but have discontinued them for some reason. Remember that people buy for emotional reasons. Demonstrations that involve sight, smell, taste and as many other senses as possible are far more effective that lectures. Also, involve the whole family in your demonstration. Many decisions today are made " for the children," and who would turn down an RO system when their kids are spitting tap water into the sink in revulsion? Refresh your demonstration and get a bigger piece of the RO pie.
Many of us were trained thoroughly on how to demonstrate a softener. Unfortunately, less sales people seem to have a specific way of presenting a reverse osmosis unit (RO). That's too bad because, just like softener sales, there are many demonstrations and experiments that make the RO sales as exciting and as sure. Let's look at some of the methods used by great sales people around the world.

Justifying the value
No one really wants another monthly payment. If you go into a home to " sell them an RO," that means another payment, which also means you're fighting an uphill battle from the get-go. What if you could show customers it costs nothing to have all the benefits of pure water ?  What if it even made them a profit ? Good news !  That's exactly what you can show them, if you take the time.
As soon as you're ready to start talking about ROs, you need to ask a few questions. I recommend you have a sheet prepared to record answers. Figure 1 is one of our forms, which we simply call the "Drinking Water Survey Form."  You want to preface your questioning by saying it "helps determine what equipment to recommend, and to see how much money you can be saving." We suggest you write the answers down immediately to the form questions. Take a minute to review this technique.
I hope you see how this exercise convinces the customer that you're not there just to take their money, you're there to give them better water and save them money. Another advantage of the form: If there's a rebuttal, something classic like, " I'll buy it in two months," or " I'll get it next spring when my tax return money comes in," with a completed form you're already in a great position to overcome this. You've demonstrated to the customer that by not making the correct decision tonight, they'll not only be continuing with untreated water buy they'll be wasting money. This is a powerful position to be in, and it works.
The tea bag test
Here's an interesting item to add to your demonstration. The premise is to boil RO water and customers "raw" tap water in separate containers and make tea with both. One serving suggestion with this test: use orange pekoe tea, not herbal. It's the most common tea in any supermarket.
Put a tea bag in each container. The tea made in the RO water will be much more fragrant and clear. The tea made in the tap water will be brown, have a lot less fragrance and have an oil slick on the surface with particles floating in the water. The harder the water, the more distinct the contrast is between the two. The best part of this demonstration is the difference gets ceven clearer the longer you leave it. One sales person I know asks clients to leave the water overnight and look at it in the morning, for an even bigger impact. Be sure to get the water really boiling, not just warm. I guarantee this demonstration is worth the trouble.
Doggie's Choice
Another demonstration technique includes putting a bowl of RO water and a bowl of tap water, fresh from the tap, on the floor. Use identical bowls to make sure the test subject-the family dog- isn't used to drinking out of one of the bowls. Have the family bring their pet in (this test will work with birds, also). The animal will almost always choose RO water, as they can smell the fact that it has no chlorine. This is the reason why many dogs and cats drink out of the toilet bowl, toilet water has sat in the bowl long enough for the chlorine to dissipate. Remember, many people will buy an RO system for their animals, fish or plants, while they'd be unwilling to spend the money on themselves.
The ice cube demo
Similar to the tea bag test but not as dramatic, it involves putting an ice cube made from tap water into a glass container filled with RO water. As the ice cube melts, white flakes that look like dandruff leach into the pristine water. You can make this demo look even worse by bobbing the ice cube with your finger. Also, if the homeowner is a scotch-and-water drinker, offer to mix a drink for them with RO water. I have sold many a system using this technique, as real whisky connoisseurs can definitely taste the difference.
The TDS test & Color test
In your exhibition / trade show or in your show room.  If you're selling in an area with a high chlorine content, this test works well. Carry them in your demonstration kit. The solution will often indicate a very high TDS numbers in their tap water and turn black, dirty in their water.  How to use the "TDS tester or Electronic Color tester", please visit http://www.pure-pro.com/tester.htm 
The taste test
This test is the climax of the demonstration- the last test you do before going for the close. When performing this test, again move quickly so the chlorine doesn't dissipate from water. 
Line the family up and give each member a small amount of RO water in a glass. Explain that you're going to have a tasting, like a fancy wine tasting, and the first thing you have to do is "cleanse the pallet" by swishing the RO water in the mouth and swallowing or spitting it out in the sink. Get each member to do this twice so the pallet and tongue are completely cleansed. Now, quickly fill glasses with tap water and get each member to taste, swishing it around the mouth as they did with the RO water. If you've done this right, you will, at the minimum, get loud moans of disgust, as by contrast the can now really taste the chlorine and any dissolved solids in their water. About a third of the time they'll run over to the sink and spit out their tap water in revulsion.
This is a great set up for the close. All you do is hold up RO water and their tap water, asking, "if it didn't cost a penny more, which water would you like your family to drink ? "  They always point to the RO water and that means they've just told you they want to buy it. Refer back to the savings you worked out with them at the beginning using the Drinking Water Survey, showing them they can be saving $30 or $40 per month and getting better water.
Now you have a few tips that will make a big difference in selling ROs. Maybe you've already used some of these techniques, but have discontinued them for some reason. Remember that people buy for emotional reasons. Demonstrations that involve sight, smell, taste and as many other senses as possible are far more effective that lectures. Also, involve the whole family in your demonstration. Many decisions today are made " for the children," and who would turn down an RO system when their kids are spitting tap water into the sink in revulsion? Refresh your demonstration and get a bigger piece of the RO pie.